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Thursday, December 10, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Summer 09... Getting Home

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Day 39 (Tuesday August 18, 2009)
Bight and early is the name of the game! Another early one and not much sleep there were animals outside our room ALL NIGHT… we were in the jeep by 6AM off looking for lions and leopards. We drove and drove looking for a cat and nothing we were out for a little over 4 hours without sighting a cat (we did see lots of elephants, giraffes, zebras, etc.) then back to the lodge for showers and play time then an amazing lunch and movie and quiet time 5:30 is very early to wake up at… then tea and cake time and back to the jeep for the night game drive! To get into the park we took a boat very fun! We were again looking for lions and leopards we drove all around and nothing… we had sundowners, looked in the dark for the leopards that is when they do their kill but nothing then back to the lodge for dinner and bedtime!
Posted by safarinanny at 6:49 AM 0 comments
Labels: zambia
Day 38 (Monday August 17, 2009)
Spencer’s Birthday!
We were up at out of the hotel by about 7am that is with breakfast also ( I am not going to miss these early days lol) we loaded up and drove the 2 hours back to the city and to the airport once there we had to weigh us and all our bags for the plane. So all 13 of us walked out onto the runway and we saw 3 very small plans when we were getting into our the pilot asked if I wanted to sit shot gun well heck yes I did! But I learned very quick that I am NOT a fan of little planes oh boy it could have been bad. Then we landed in Zambia, got in jeeps and drove through Mufwe town. I felt so special because everyone stops to wave at you! Its like a parade. When we got to Kapani Lodge we checked in and had an AMAZING lunch! Then went swimming in a COLD pool with bamboos and frogs around the frog actually jumped in the pool (Ethan saved us from it) Then a little rest time and off on the first game drive! After we entered the park we saw lion cubs and their mom right away! Then we saw a bunch of animals we have seen then we stopped and had sundowners (drinks and snacks!) as we watched the sun set! And then we drove to find leopards… nothing… after a wonderful dinner it was bedtime.
Posted by safarinanny at 6:41 AM 0 comments
Day 37 (Sunday August 16, 2009)
Travel day and lake day! We got up and ready, ate breakfast, went for a walk where we got to feed the fish (Ethan loved it). Then loaded into the car to drive to Lake Malawi. We got to the hotel and after lunch Ethan went for a quick swim in a small gross pool. Then we went down to the beach and played in the sand for a while. Then we had a movie night and bed early. Tomorrow morning is going to be early! The lake was pretty and big but we didn’t swim because it can make you get very sick so we thought we should play it safe and not LOL!
Posted by safarinanny at 6:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: malawi
Day 36 (Saturday August 16, 2009)
We spent another day playing at the lodge. We spent a lot of time running in the grass outside our room and playing on the deck. We had a nice lunch outside on the patio. Then we went for a long walk in which we saw the cows and Ethan had a talk with one of them and then as we were going to leave the cow broke out of the pen and started to follow us… so we walked a little quicker and eventually lost her. It was very funny when it happened. Then we had the normal bath, dinner. Movie, bed time, that is one thing that has basically stayed the same in each place we have been! And I worked on packing we had to send our big bag back to the states with Brent so everything had to fit in the little bags and under 30 pounds… then I went to bed pretty early which was super nice!
Posted by safarinanny at 6:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: malawi
Day 35 (Friday August 14, 2009)
That was the best night sleep I have had this whole trip I slept from like 8pm- 6:30am straight through AMAZING! When we got up we went to breakfast then for a long walk around the farm and we saw lots of baby goats so cute! Then we found an area that had grasshoppers and butterflies it was Ethan heaven! So we spent lots of time playing there. Then we sat on a nice deck where we had an amazing view and ate a nice lunch! Then a little reading, walk, playing, bug catching then inside for playing, movie, dinner, bedtime, it was a very nice, quiet, relaxing day which I know we both NEEDED after 2 big travel days!
Posted by safarinanny at 6:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: malawi
Monday, August 17, 2009
So there is this boy who kinda has my heart...
Here are some of the reasons why!
v I was the first person to ever hold him
v His name
v The fact t hat people first thought he was mine and still do!
v His eyes
v That I am his one and only Giggie
v He runs down the hall screaming my name with his arms wide open whenever I come over!
v He loves bagels as much as me (but can eat more then me)
v He will drink anything with a straw especially Passion tea lemonades and smoothies!
v He loves clothes and shoes and has good taste at 2
v His hair is just the most amazing thing ever
v He smiles and poses for cameras
v He has EVERYONE wrapped around his little fingers
v He can put a smile on your face whenever you need it or whenever you don’t
v He loves doggies
v He loves to swim and is getting really good at it
v He wants to play any game we are playing and walks around carrying cards
v He loves to sit on the couch and watch tv with me!
v He loves to workout to the wii
v He has names for his favorite people Jackjack, giggie, and The Mama!
v He is a good help when baking he wears his apron and sits on the counter and helps me!
v He loves to get communion at church and holds his hands out and then says “thannnnk you mama” or sometimes “thannnnnk you Jesus
v He loves Auntie Annie pretzles and will throw a fit if you don’t get them for him right away.
v He is getting to be a big boy who walks places instead of riding in the stroller
v He loves hats
v He loves his binkie
v He wants to be with all the big kids
v Loves sports of any kind but his favorite is baskkketballll and he says “nice shotttt” after every shot even if he misses
v He is going to be taller then me one of these days soon…
v He loves to sing and dance and gets mad when you change the songs in the car
v He loves to talk on the phone, hold the phone, play with the phone but he knows not to touch Giggies phone and brings it to me whenever I leave it somewhere!
v He is the love of my life and I can’t wait to see him in 10 days!
v Happy Birthday Baby Boy I love you with all my heart!
I love you baby boy and I can’t wait to see you in 10 days! And we will celebrate with lots of Coookies, hugs, kisses, and lots of passion tea lemonades and smoothies!
Love your one and only most favorite
Posted by safarinanny at 5:55 AM 0 comments
Labels: Birthdays, Spencer George
Friday, August 14, 2009
Day 34 Thursday August 13th, 2009
Another travel day, we were up at 5AM after not really any sleep the night before but we got all ready and checked out by 6AM then back to the airport not much traffic this morning thank goodness. As we were checking in Ethan started to not feel well so we spent LOTS of time in the bathroom today. On the airplane for the first part I had 3 seats to myself so I lay down and slept the whole way, which was nice. We finally arrived in Malawi went through passport control (I am going to have my passport number memorized soon along with J’lein and Ethan’s…) then we waited and waited for our bags I got a little nervous. Then we dropped the group off at their meeting and Ethan and I headed to the Lodge and spent the rest of the day in the room watching movies, and getting organized. He was asleep by about 7:40 and I was out on the couch by 8 I think we were both a little tired…
Posted by safarinanny at 1:07 AM 0 comments
Day 33 Wednesday August 12th, 2009
Today I woke up bright and early after very little sleep we got all packed and we headed to breakfast then loaded the cars and begin the drive down the mountain it was hot, slow, and smelly I was not doing so hot LOL. Then to the airport where we said goodbye to Wayne, Lucia, Dax, and Nico and we all got checked in and waited to fly back to Kenya for the night, it was one bumpy plane ride then we got another stamp, our bags, and it took us over a hour to get to the hotel traffic was terrible (I am excited when I can just get home and not have to get in the car for long distances) then we played a little Ethan had dinner and a shower and bed and I did the same soon after it was a busy long travel day.
Posted by safarinanny at 1:06 AM 0 comments
Day 32 Tuesday August 11th, 2009
Never in my life have I been up at 5:30 am or would have thought I would on my birthday but I did and it was so worth it! I got ready, had a nice breakfast, and then went to the lodge to get our guides for our Gorilla Trek. Today we had not such a bad drive like last time and then we were told it would be not a super long trek but not short either. So we walked through the village and farms to the stonewall climbed it and it was this beautiful bamboo jungle and we all thought it was so great and pretty. Then they said we are going down. Well we went down a side of the mountain, it was slippery, wet dirt and rocks we held on to vines and slipped a lot. Then when we got down and we were told a little more a little more well we were not walking for most of it on solid ground we were on vines, roots, rocks, logs, going over hills, staying to sides, not falling in holes, it was an adventure to say the least. Then 3 hours later we were finally close to them and it was a great gorilla family. One silver back, 5 moms, 5 babies. And they just sat and posed and so we took lots of pictures with them behind us! (Grammy and Papa I think I got your Christmas card picture!) Then after one hour with them it was time to leave. So we went a little ways, had a snack and began the trek back and 2 hours later we were at the van. We went back to the hotel had lunch, tried to take a shower but the water pressure was not good at all so I got most of the dirt off! Then Wayne and I played more cards and we tied 5/5 and he got mad and stopped playing (he is not use to losing) then I spend some time with Ethan and we skyped with mom, Manny, and the baby boy! Jackjack was at school L. Then we had dinner and after they turned the lights off and the whole staff came in carry a torch and banging pans, trays, and bottles, and going around the room singing then I blew out my candles and they sang Happy Birthday in their native language for me. And the cake was really good I guess African cakes normally are not very good! Then the adults went to bed and Dax (for a little bit) Nico, Robbie, and Perry and I played cards till 1 AM it was a really good and fun birthday!
Posted by safarinanny at 1:06 AM 0 comments
Day 31 Monday August 10th, 2009
1 Day till my BIRTHDAY
We got up this morning chilled for a while, had a nice breakfast then J’lein and Ethan went for a walk and I played around with the suitcases (we have to get everything we need for the last 2 weeks into our 3 carry-on bags) then I sat on the deck and read, we looked at pictures from all the game drives then a nice lunch and back to the cards. Ethan played outside in the grass and scared the birds… then dinner and after I played Wayne in 500 again and I brought my score up lots! He was not happy with that. Then bedtime tomorrow was going to be a busy, long, early, fun day!
Posted by safarinanny at 1:05 AM 0 comments
Day 30 Sunday August 9th, 2009
2 Day’s till my BIRTHDAY
Today we had the morning to sleep and of course Ethan and I were up at 6. We even went to bed late so after some movies and playing we had breakfast, walked around the hotel, packed up and left. We went to the Genocide Memorial again this time Ethan and I stayed outside and played. Then to a cute little restaurant for Sunday brunch. Then on the road again to The Gorilla’s Nest. On the way I watched The Hangover with Nico good movie very funny. When we got there we watched the dancers, played cards, ate dinner and bedtime another long day but a good one!
Posted by safarinanny at 1:04 AM 0 comments
Day 29 Saturday August 8th, 2009
3 Day’s till my BIRTHDAY
This morning I decided to skip the game drive and have some Sam time and I sat on the pretty deck and read my book without anyone talking to me or asking me things. It was wonderful! The only bummer was that on the game drive I missed a leopard eating a zebra. Then we packed up and headed to the field airport… took an awful plane ride. I thought I was going to be sick the whole time it was small, hot, full, bumpy, just awful, then we arrived in Nairobi and went to “The Carnivore” for lunch and we including me at a TON of meat. Then to the big airport to fly to Rwanda. This plane ride was a little nicer but still not great. Then to the hotel for dinner, and bed it was a long and busy day.
Posted by safarinanny at 1:03 AM 0 comments
Day 28 Friday August 7th, 2009
4 days till my BIRTHDAY
Oy Vey we spent some time oh game drives today. We were up early by 6:30 we were off to find some animals and what did we see first off but lions! And then we saw lions with a kill! (We didn’t see the killing tho). Then we saw lots of other animals that we had already seen! LOL. Then back to camp for breakfast and then a hour later we were back in the car off to see the crossing again and have a picnic lunch well we got to the crossing at the end but then saw a group of crocs with a dead wildebeest. And then we went to a nice area had a wonderful lunch and Wayne and I played 500 he is now up one game… so not working for me! Then we went to see if we could catch another crossing and see leopards. Well we didn’t see any but we got out and took some nice pictures. Today we were on the game drive for over 9 hours but it was so fun and exciting and one of the best days so far. Then back to camp for showers, playing, dinner, movie, packing and bedtime.
Side note: I have never had this much dirt on me in my life of ever so dirty. It is in my ears, under my nails: everywhere it is so gross. I am a clean person. That is driving me a little crazy.
Posted by safarinanny at 12:57 AM 0 comments
Day 27 Thursday August 6th, 2009
5 Days till my BIRTHDAY
At 5:30 this morning a man saying Jombo with tea and hot coco was at the tent door saying time to get up you have 1 hour till you leave… Well we stayed in bed till 6 then got up and ready to go on the drive and today we wanted LIONS! And the first thing we saw was 2 lions! A male and female and they had a very quick mating action (in one day they can do it 80 times and each time is no more then 15 seconds). Oh I was excited to see some up close lions. Then we drove away and saw 2 moms and 3 babies! I only took 130 pictures of lions today! Then we saw some more lions (nothing compared to the lions!) then back to camp for breakfast which was so good and some playing then Brent and I went to see the wildebeest cross the river. While we waited for that we saw some huge crocs and hippos and took some pictures then drove to the spot and got there just in time. The first one went out then they all started going. They guessed it was about 500 total plus some zebras. But the best part was when a croc got hold of a wildebeest and killed it right then and there oh how it was exciting! Then back to camp for lunch (because that is all I do happy Megan?!?!?!) then Ethan and I went for a walk and played just when the next game drive started we went to Dax and Nico’s tent and hung out with them for 3 hours it was very fun for both of us! Then dinner, and I showed then bedtime!
Posted by safarinanny at 12:56 AM 0 comments
Day 26 Wednesday August 6th, 2009
6 Days till my BIRTHDAY
Another early day and I didn’t sleep well the night before… but it was so worth getting up early today because we went to the Masai Mara! Which I have heard sooo much about and was so excited! We got up, had breakfast, and checked out before 6:30 AM then to a small airport and we rode on a big/little plane. I call it that because it was much bigger then I thought it would be but still a small one. Then we landed in the first field and let the people going to that camp off then we had a long flight of 4 minutes and we landed in the next grass field, got out and into jeeps to head to camp where we ate our 2nd breakfast which was really good. Then went on a quick game drive (about a hour long) Then lunch (because all we do here is eat) Then we had a little down time and I played 500 with Wayne and killed him, then a quick nap! Now it was time for game drive number 2 for the day! This time we saw giraffes, birds, elephants, some other animals, and cheetahs! Or rather 3 of them and we were so close there were 3 brothers. We sat with them for a while then they started to move and we thought they were going for a kill (which all I wanted was to see lions and kills!) so we sat and waited for a long time and ate a whole can of Pringles! Then it was time to head back and we saw the most beautiful sunset ever it was like the cabin! Then back to the tent (which is a very nice tent and my way of camping!) had dinner, shower, and bed ready for an early morning game drive.
So the tent has hot water and a better shower then the one in Gulu. How does that even seem possible?
Quote of the day: “you need patcients to see a kill” said to a 4 year old by his mother.
Posted by safarinanny at 12:54 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Posted by safarinanny at 2:27 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 10, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
A quick update!
We are back in Rwanda the Masai Mara was amazing I saw lots of LIONS and many other animals! We are off to the Gorilla's Nest today! Lots of updates to come on Wednesday! And then I will be 20!!!!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
The First Year Of NO Cabin :(
Posted by safarinanny at 6:46 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Where will I be!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Day 25 (August 4, 2009)
Monday, August 3, 2009
Day 24 (August 3, 2009)
Day 23 (August 2, 2009)
9 Day's till my BIRTHDAY!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
The Place I have stayed this far!
- Dubi
- Kampala (Uganda)
- Murchison Falls (Uganda)
- Kiagli- Rwanda (can't find this one yet but when I do I will put it up!
- Gorilla's Nest (Rwanda)
- Nairobi (Kenya)
Day 22 (August 1, 2009)
I was up early today... I now wake up everyday at like 4ish and can normally go back to sleep but today I never really could... But Ethan slept till like 8 which was nice. We went down to breakfast met the whole new group, then we got all ready to see the baby elephants
Day 21 (July 31, 2009)
Today we slept in and had a lazy morning, had a nice breakfast, played outside, watched movies, (Ethan wanted to swim but I said no because the pool and air were cold and we are not getting sick on this trip!), dinner and bed. It was just Ethan and I most of the day which was nice we needed a chill day of nothing. It was just a very nice lazy day. I got us unpacked so for a few days we don't have to have toys and clothes in suit cases and bags everything is in drawers and the closet so nice!
Day 20 (July 30, 2009)
Guess what? Another early day... BUt we had to get the car's all loaded so we could leave the Gorilla's Nest and head back to Kigali. It was back down the mountain and it was a very slow drive. When we got down we went to the Genocide Memorial. It was so sad word's can't even describe it, but it was also very well done, between the pictures, writings, and movies. Then lunch in the car as on the way to the airport. After standing in a long hot line to check in and, passport control we got to the gate and they had internet there it was kinda amazing. Then it was time to board the plane and at this airport you have to go outside and then walk up stairs to the plane so I ran ahead with one bag and J'lein and Ethan followed behind and I made sure we had enough over head space LOL. After a hour long flight we were back in Kenya. We said goodbye to the first group had our passport checked (We already had our visa's check day 5), got our bags and to the hotel. After Ethan went swimming, had a shower, and dinner it was bed time and even tho I was so tired I had internet again so I stayed up late on that!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
Day 19 (July 29, 2009)
Another early day but so worth it except it was so hard getting out of my warm bed with the hot water bottle at my feet (when I go back to MN in the cold that is how I am sleeping at night Katherine I will need to borrow your hot water bottle!) But J'lein and I got up and all ready and went to breakfast (Dax stayed with Ethan he is to little to go trekking so they had a very fun boys day) then we headed to the lodge they got us all checked in and gave us out guides and we headed on a very bumpy road I was surprised the car made it and there were points we didn't think it would. But we made it, met our porters, got out walking sticks and started on the trek. We started on flat farm land and walked to the stone wall that is the start of the Jungle, it is there to keep the buffalo, elephants, and gorillas in. So we climbed the wall and started the journey. We saw fresh elephant tracks right away so the guides had to make sure they were not near or we didn't go where they were. We also saw fresh buffalo tracks. We had only been trekking about 20 minuets when we got to the place or rather right by it to the gorillas. So we left our sticks, bags, and water with the porters and headed up to where they were located. We came across the Sliver back which is the only older male and the leader of the group. We spent some time with him and we were very close to him! Then we moved on and saw little ones playing they were so cute just wrestling and swinging in the trees then the mom came and they all followed her so we did also and we also saw a little baby who must have been about 3 months old (or that is what they think). The hour went really fast and it was time to head down, we climbed back over the wall, through the farm, and to the cars. Then we went on a still bumpy road but not as bad and went back to the lodge where we ate lunch and got our papers saying we we saw the gorilla's and headed back to the hotel where a hot shower felt so good and then after some soup and a walk and I finished "The Kite Runner" which is so good and the best part was I got to sit outside in the cool fresh air and read while Ethan played with his toys! We were very sad to hear that the dancing would not be back tonight but we are going back in 2 weeks over my birthday actually! and then early to bed again because tomorrow is another early day!
Day 18 (July 28, 2009)
We started today early again! It will be so exciting to sleep when I get home. But we finished packing, had breakfast, played outside, then the 25 and up group of people left for a sight visit and Ethan, Dax, Alexa, Greg, my self and Moses (our driver) went to find a FedEx or DHL to ship drums back for Greg and Alexa and after at least 3 hours we were finally on the road to to the Gorilla's Nest! The whole drive was up and then down a mountain but for the most part it was all paved which made it so nice. Plus it was nice to hang out with people my age! We got to the hotel and raced to the bathroom (I don't pee in bushes and there were people or villages the whole way up anyways) we saw our rooms and finally ate lunch at like 4 pm breakfast was hours ago... Then we all put on warmer clothes because it was much cooler here! And we went for a walk and we saw a lot of kids playing soccer so we went and talked to them and got a lot of emails address from the boys (they kept asking me to email them pictures of me...) And Ethan and the kids found frogs, and ran around it was very cute. We met some really nice and smart boys who I hope can reach their dreams. We then walked back to the hotel to get drinks and wait for the African Dancers to come! It was so cool to watch them dance and we even got to dance with them. Then it was dinner and bed time ready for another early day tomorrow!
Day 17 (July 27, 2009) In Rwanda
Today started early but not early like what the last few days had been. It started a little after 7 Rwanda time which was 8 Uganda time. After breakfast and getting the laundry sent to be done Ethan put on his suit and we headed down to the pool. Which I was told was very cold... I didn't swim :) then Ethan and a little girl who speaks French ran around for a long time trying to catch a crane. After a wonderful lunch of toasted cheese sandwhich and fries (Rwanda is a French country) We were back outside running, and swimming! We had a low key night of packing basically is a new everyday thing, showers, spongebob, toys, books, and bed! It was nice to have a relaxing day.
Side Note: Got a weird sun burn today. My tan lines are going to be funky... And not in a good way.
Day 16 (July 26, 2009)
Another early morning (I am so not a morning person either...) But we had to get up, finish packing, have breakfast and be in the car before 7 AM. We had a long busy day ahead of us. We had to take the boat across the Nile, and then we were back on our way to Kampala it was a very long drive that turned longer when we had to stop at a little outside resturant for the breaks to be fixed in the van, then back on the road again. When we finally made it to Kampala we stopped at a really good Indian resturant and I ate so much good food full of great flavor oh it was good! Then we went to this little outside shopping place with lots of fun little shops and most people shopped and Ethan and I sat and played in the grass, but first we looked for presents for his "brothers" Jackjack and Spencer and for Ms. Kate it was very cute. Then off to the airport again in had been all of 12 days since we were last on a plane LOL. We finally boarded the small plane and 50 mins later we landed in Rwanda country number 4 or 7 this summer. We got to the hotel and have a great room because there is a bedroom which is big and a living room which is big so its great! After Ethan's Mac and Cheese and J'lein and I had Bolognaise and the best french fries ever it was bedtime and it must have been after midnight at that point. It was a ling day but lots of fun and I have never been so excited for sleep in my life!
Day 15 (July 25, 2009)
After a very early morning we had a nice breakfast and went out on another game drive. The goal today was to find a lion! after seeing lots of animals another car stopped us saying they saw LIONS so we headed in that direction where tons and tons of cars with people were looking. And we saw nothing so we drove to another place and we saw them! We were pretty far away and I'm told in Kenya we will see lots and up close but it was still cool! Then back to the lodge after a little (or big) lunch and some lizard catching it was time for the boat safari and hike. The boat was fun we saw hippos and crocodiles and more of the other animals we had seen already. Then we went went on a nice hike which Ethan did really well for and it was super hot and then I got to see Murchison Fall's. It was breath taking words can't even describe how beautiful it is or even how amazing it is. Then we went back to the lodge by car and boat it took 1 1/2 hours of bumps to get there and Ethan had dinner, shower and bed then I went and hung out with Dax and ate it was a very fun filled, full day!
Day 14 (July 24, 2009)
After a VERY long night we got all ready to go back into the car to go to the Parra Safari Lodge and Murchison Fall's. When we finally got to the park they popped the top of the cars and we got to stand up and see all the animals on the drive in! We saw elephants, giraffes, birds of all kinds, warthogs, monkeys, buffalo's then when we got to the lodge we got all checked in, had lunch, Ethan chased lizards then it was time for the first game drive of the summer! We had two request we wanted to see lions and leopards. Well we got half of what we wanted and we saw a leopard and it was so cool. We saw lots of other animals that we had seen earlier and they were up super close to the car it was really cool! After dinner and showers it was bed time so we could be ip at 5:45 AM...
Day 13 (July 23, 2009)
Ethan and I spent the day at the hotel playing by the pond with the fish and frogs, running in the grass, scaring birds, eating lunch. Just our normal day for us, which is nice to have. We went to bed early because we had an early start to the day on Friday getting ready and going on Game drives! But at about 1AM J'lein and Ethan are knocking on my door because their room had been taken over by flying ants... So we all "slept" in my bed. Then at about 5 AM Ethan got sick. So at about 5:30 J'lein and I were wide awake so I offered to go pack everything up once more because I was so not sleeping any more...
Day 12 (July 22, 2009)
Today we spent the morning getting ready and playing before it was time to load into the cars to take the "3" hour drive to Gulu... Well 3 hours really means 5 and one hour of that was spent going over miles and miles of speed bumps... All in all it was a good day of driving I saw lots of little villages with all the people it was really cool to see that. I am also amazed at how women can carry a baby on their backs with just a cloth and then carry gallons of water on their heads. But it is strange to see them on the backs of motorcycles with the baby on their backs... We finally made it to the hotel had some dinner and then sat in bed with nets around us. It was an early night to bed after a long day of driving over bumps!
Day 11 (July 21, 2009)
It was our last full day in this Hotel! Six day's in one place you can really unpack and make a mess... So Ethan and I spent some time in the morning picking up, packing, and organizing things for the next few days. Then we had our normal day, playing outside, letters, lunch, back outside. Then we finished packing and early to bed because the next few days where going to be busy ones.
Day 10 (July 20, 2009)
So I am a little behind lets see if I can get all caught up today...
We had the same first part of the day as always, Breakfast, movie, outside time, lunch (while we waited Ethan worked on his letters and he is getting really good except he likes to watch my reactions to how he is doing instead of the paper) Then he had a nice hot bath to warm up it was the craziest thing in Kampala it would be nice in the morning then from about 12-2 when we ate lunch the sun went away and it got cold and windy so not fun then it would get hot again. Then some more time at the park!
We then went inside to get all ready we were going to a bbq at Jean and Brian's house (the family we went to the zoo with the day before) I have learned it takes forever to get anywhere here because traffic is so bad all the time it seems then when we got close to the house we pulled over and waited for Brian to come and direct us they have no address here you just know where to go (also map quest and GPS they don't really work here I would so not make it) But we finally made it to the house and there were people everywhere getting food ready, kids running around (it was a lot like the cabin) But let me just say the food was out of this world good! And baby J'lein (my baby from yesterday) came right to me and was asleep not long after and stayed in my arms the whole night! Oh boy was I in HEAVEN. We met some of their family and they were all so nice and it was fun to go somewhere! Plus the food was SO good and Ethan got to run around with other kids!
Ethan slept well Monday night and I did till about 5 which is my new wake up time oh I sure hope that changes or I'm not sure what I will do... (as of July 31 I am still waking up early but now it is at about 4 AM...)
Monday, July 20, 2009
Day 9 Uganda The ZOO
We have been out of the states for ONE whole week now. That means the 6 more weeks left on this crazy summer adventure! In one week I have been to 3 countries!
We started with breakfast and outside time and some inside playing and then we went to visit Dax and they wrestled (its nice having him here to do that for me!). We had a nice lunch then we went to the ZOO with some friends of J'leins from here and their 3 kids! They have 2 boys about Ethan's age and a little girl Spencer's age.
And she LOVED me (and I'm not just saying that its true!) She came right to Auntie Sam and sat on my lap and slept the whole way to the zoo then she let me carry her the whole time and wouldn't go to anyone else (and I was not sharing her either!) Her parents were so surprised she doesn't usually go ti strangers! And let me just add I was in HEAVEN!
Now back to the zoo! It was a very nice zoo a lot like the ones in the states except not so man made looking. They had Lions (which are my favorite), snakes, rhinos, crocs, monkeys, otters, lizards, birds, some cat but we can't remember the name of it, and tons of butterflies Ethan was in Heaven over that and he caught lots of them. The zoo was right next to Lake Victoria so we went and looked at that for a while then after donkey rides it was time to go home!
It was a great day and we are finally over the jet leg I think or at least hope! and it was nice for Ethan to play with boys his age and I got my baby fix! (I might even bring her home with me Spencer could use a little girlfriend!)
Days 7 & 8 Uganda
I am going to write these 2 days together because we did basically the same things lol!
Both days were spent at the hotel just having low key days! Playing outside in the huge park that is on the hotels property it is so pretty lots of trees, flowers, butterflies, and birds. We spent a good amount of time playing and running to get out all that 4 year old boy energy :) Both nights he was asleep by 8 and me before 10 it was wonderful!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Day 6 Kenya to Uganda
Today was an early day that started looking at fish and then by getting asked to not go "fishing" in the pond (fishing to Ethan is holding a stick or long leaf in the pond and waiting for a fish to bite it which they never do). Then we had a nice breakfast and all packed up again to go to Uganda! But before that happened we went to feed giraffes! It was so cool they have huge tongues and we just threw little treats into their mouths! Then we had a nice lunch at a really cute little outside resturant and I had some of the best chicken curry ever! We went back to the hotel for a little bit and we went to be really sneaky to feed the fish. Then off to the airport again 4 planes 6 days... We spent more time in the Kenya airport then we actually did in the air go figure and made it to Uganda and getting our visa's here was much easier, then we got our bags and found our ride and again we spent more time in the car from the airport to the hotel then in the air from one country to another. And then after 2 rooms (the first was way to small for 3 of us to be in for 6 days!) and some dinner we were all in bed sometime after 10 (which was the earliest so far) and we all slept all night (which is a first again)
Side Note: Traffic in Africa is sooo bad all the time it doesn't matter what time of day or even what day of the week it is its just bad...
Day 5 Dubai to Kenya
Today we got up, went swimming, had breakfast, and got all packed up to go to AFRICA! we had to change our plans a little and go to Kenya first instead of Uganda for passport reasons, The flight was good Ethan slept the whole time again and I got some sleep too! Then it took forever to get the visas that Ethan actually fell asleep in the line laying on the suit case lol! We finally made it to the hotel and now Ethan was wide awake and J'lein and I are super tired go figure! So after a wonderful dinner of Mac and Cheese we put a movie in for him and we dozed. And finally at 1 am he he went to bed! Not a very exciting day but we finally made it to AFRICA!
Side Note: We went to Dubai to break up the traveling and to start the jet leg process! and to have a little fun at the beach/pool!
So sorry it has taken me this long to post I am hoping to get all caught up in the next 2 days!
Day 3 of trip 1st day in Dubai
It was an early morning and it started at the very HOT beach. But we had a nice breakfast and a walk outside the hotel and i love the old brick streets. They have lots of American places here (McDonalds Jack would be happy, Burger King, Chilis, TGIFridays, Pizza Hut, Starbucks on every corner) Then Ethan and I made our way to the beach adn can i just say its hot here. And the gulf is not any better it was like being in a hot tub... it was so gross. So we were only at the beach for a little bit before we went to the pool which was cold but felt so nice! We spent a lot of the day at the pool and it was great there were lots of kids there! I also got a really funny looking tan/sunburn... Then we went back to the room and a little after 5 Ethan fell asleep and I dozed in and out then at 11 both of us were WIDE AWAKE till 3:30 and then thankfully we crashed till 9:30
Day 4 Last full day in Dubai
Our last full day here started not so early as yesterday which was very nice! But after a big breakfast we made our way to the beach again and it was even worse then yesterday there was NO wind at all so it was just horrible. So back to the pool again which wasn't very enjoable either cause the moment you got out you just started sweating. So we didn't last very long today but Ethan got a little nap in which was needed. Then when he got up we took a taxi to the mall which has an indoor ski and sleeding hills (its pretty cool!) and a arcade, rides, and play places for kids. Along with 2 food courts and lots of fun stores! I could have spent days there and been super happy! All in all it was a really good day!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Summer Adventure 2009
The nanny travel blog is back! In the next 7 weeks I will be in 7 countries! And all my stories will be on here! I try to update everyday or as close to that as I can and pictures also as often as I can!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Apron #1
Here is the first of many aprons that Mom and I have started making this one was made for Hilary! Can't wait to taste the yummy things she makes while wearing this!
Posted by safarinanny at 8:28 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
My First Best Friend!
So today I opened a Dove chocolate today and it said "Always remember your first best friend" and since my first best friend's birthday was a week ago I thought I would play a little tribute to her!
- She always puts other's first
- I always feel safe when she is driving (Thank you for always driving me)
- She is there for me whenever I need her
- She is a very talented actress
- She is so smart
- She has a heart of GOLD
- She loves her family so much
- Whatever she deciedes to do in life she is going to be AMAZING at
- She loves Milk as much at me
- She will eat any desert with me, or try any that I make
- The good way to her heart is a muffin for breakfast
- I loved having my first "real" job with her it was such a fun summer
- One of my favorite parts of senior year was watching One Tree Hill with her and Nick
- She has amazing hair
- Even with heals on she is still taller then me
- Most of my first childhood memories are filled with her and I would not want it any other way
- She understands me
- She is not only my Best Friend but my SISTER too
Posted by safarinanny at 10:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: friends, Sam kennlly
Monday, March 2, 2009
Mr. Style
The little man got his first tie on Saturday so we (meaning me!) took lots of pictures on Sunday after church! He looks so big I can't stand it! I'm not ready for him to be a little boy he is suppose to stay my baby :(. I told him today that as long as he still gives me kisses and hugs and lets me call him my baby he can become a toddler (which he already is). But oh how cute does he look?!?!?! So grown up!
We are getting very excited Grammy and Papa will be here on Thursday! Now if someone would only say Grammy it will be perfect!
Posted by safarinanny at 11:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: Clothes, grammypapa, spencer
Homemade Peanut Butter Cups
Here is a step-by-step process to make homemade peanut butter cups! They are so yummy and very easy!
- Peanut butter
- Chocolate (I used a mixture of semi sweet and milk chocolate chips!)
- Cupcake tins (I used mini ones but you could do big ones)
But this is so easy and you can take as long or as little bit of time you need!
Using a pastry bag pipe chocolate into tins make sure to go up on the sides but don't fill it all the way. Just about half way or maybe a little less
Put some peanut butter into a bowl and microwave just till its soft (about 20 seconds)
If it gets a little to soft add a little more peanut butter
Put small drops of peanut butter on top of chocolate make sure to not go over the chocolate on the sides of the tin
freeze again till hard
Posted by safarinanny at 10:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: baking, peanut butter cups