4 days till my BIRTHDAY
Oy Vey we spent some time oh game drives today. We were up early by 6:30 we were off to find some animals and what did we see first off but lions! And then we saw lions with a kill! (We didn’t see the killing tho). Then we saw lots of other animals that we had already seen! LOL. Then back to camp for breakfast and then a hour later we were back in the car off to see the crossing again and have a picnic lunch well we got to the crossing at the end but then saw a group of crocs with a dead wildebeest. And then we went to a nice area had a wonderful lunch and Wayne and I played 500 he is now up one game… so not working for me! Then we went to see if we could catch another crossing and see leopards. Well we didn’t see any but we got out and took some nice pictures. Today we were on the game drive for over 9 hours but it was so fun and exciting and one of the best days so far. Then back to camp for showers, playing, dinner, movie, packing and bedtime.
Side note: I have never had this much dirt on me in my life of ever so dirty. It is in my ears, under my nails: everywhere it is so gross. I am a clean person. That is driving me a little crazy.
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