Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Questions 2

Here are more questions about Nepal and my adventure we call life!

Is the city crowded? The city is pretty crowded not New York City crowed but more so then like Minnesota or Arizona if that makes sense?
Do people talk about Obama? Yes and no people know we got a new President and some say that is very good for everyone and others ask if that is good, but if you meet anyone from America they all talk about it!
Are there newspapers? Do they cover what is going on in America? There are newspapers we have one that comes to our room everyday and it is very small but it kind of covers a little of everything but not to the extent of anything in the states but I have seen other newspapers I'm not sure what they are like. We have CNN and The New York Times on the computer that we look at a lot!
Do children there go to school? Children go to school probably not all of them but a lot do and they all wear uniforms (when we were driving up the mountain yesterday I saw a lot of kids walking home in their uniforms from school.
How do they feel about Americans? Are they interested in you? They ask you for money on the street or to buy things a lot and when you walk into a store they stop whatever they are doing to show you there things and try and get you to again buy it. But any that I have talked to are very nice and welcoming
Are there cars? There are cars lots of vans and little cars but a ton of motorcycles and vespas like a lot and we ride around in either smaller and not as nice coach buses or vans which are pretty nice!