Friday, November 7, 2008

Day 5... Questions about Nepal

So today was basically the start of J'lien's working so it was an Ethan Sam day! 

We started bright and early (we were the first at breakfast) and then just spent the morning outside, watching movies, playing toys, and having a lazy day (we both needed it) Then we J'lien came back I went out shopping and I basically got all my Christmas shopping done! And for a much better price then I would pay in the states! I just have a few more people and things and something for me but things are very nice, pretty and good priced but you can also talk them down which makes it better! 

Oh and a side note... I have put on more shoes and socks today then you could ever imagine both Ethan and I don't like wearing then so we take them off every time we enter the room and every time we need to leave we have to put them back on... it gets old fast! LOL 

So Katherine has asked me a lot of questions about Nepal and my life here so I thought I would share them all with you here... If anyone else has questions email or comment them to me and I will do a part 2 or more to this! 

Side note the bottom questions are her first ones and the top ones are the newest ones sorry!

Are you having a wonderful time? I am having an AMAZING time! Its a chance of a life time and I'm so glad I am doing this! Yes there are stressful moments and times I want to be able to see and talk to my friends and family but Im seeing places I would never see and doing things I would never be doing! It beats college sooo much!
Do you feel safe? I feel very safe. I just went and walked around close to the hotel all by myself and didn't feel scared at all. 
What are you eating? I am eating lots of different things some American, some Nepal (there is a proper name but I can't think of it) and lots of others. My goal is to try new things every day things I would not normally try! And so far I have not found things I really dislike off the top of my head I really like yak cheese and buffalo who would have thought LOL!
Are there HUGE bugs or lizards? I have not really seen any HUGE bugs except a grasshopper but it didn't scare me and I have not really seen any bugs that I don't see at home but I am in LOVE with these pink dragonfly's they are sooo pretty and every time we see then Ethan points them out because pink is my favorite color (he is pretty cute)
How is Ethan doing? Ethan is doing really good we are starting to fall into a flow which is helping but he is also really use to this. We do have our crazy energy moments but I just have to remind myself he is only 4. 
How many are traveling with you?  Are they nice? For the first half of the trip there are 19 with Ethan, J'lein and I and I have only met 4 but they are very nice and the second part I think there are 6 so 9 with the 3 of us and one is her mom and I really like her and she LOVES me and it will be nice because she will give me a little more of a break 
How is the hotel? The hotel is really nice it is the second best in Nepal and the service is amazing anytime I need anything I have it so fast! At night they come and turn down our beds and it is on just amazing grounds!
How is the food? The hotel food is really good lots to choose from and again nothing I have not liked! I am even starting to like a couple juices and I had soda at lunch (because I like the old bottles it comes in I think it taste better!)
How is the shower? The shower feels good but the water is a little yellow but I just look past that and enjoy the hot water and washing my hair. 
Is it a pretty city? The city is pretty but also very poor :(

So any other questions I would love to answer just keep them coming! Happy day!