Posted by safarinanny at 7:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: Christmas
Posted by safarinanny at 6:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: spencer
Posted by safarinanny at 4:49 PM 0 comments
So I have everyday written down and I promise it will be updated this weekend But I am going home the very long adventure home has just started!!!!!!!!!! YEY
Posted by safarinanny at 12:19 AM 0 comments
Today was a lot like last Tuesday I spent the morning getting ready to leave for Pokhara and playing with Ethan and at lunch we are both on a all carb diet of pasta and bread and we throw in other things but it is a lot of pasta and bread (thank God we leave this hotel and pasta bar tomorrow) then this afternoon I went shopping and got a ton more presents and a t-shirt for myself and then tonight I got measured for a shirt that is being made for me and so I am really excited I will get it Sunday night when we get back to this hotel! But tomorrow we are off to the mountains and then back to the elephants so I am not sure when I will be posting but whenever I get internet I will update you on everything!
Posted by safarinanny at 8:43 AM 0 comments
Posted by safarinanny at 11:29 PM 0 comments
I have a lot of 4 year old boys in my little world and they are all so sweet and I love them so much but here are two really cute stories about 2 of my favorites!
Posted by safarinanny at 12:40 AM 1 comments
Well this morning started out like normal we played inside and outside had lunch with J'lien had a little down time then GRANDMA came! We were so excited Ethan and I even did a little happy dance in the hallway (his idea!) Then once Grandma got all settled in J'lien, Ethan, Grandma, Diana (Grandma's friend) and I walked to the shopping area! Well it ended up being just Diana and I shopping and oh so much fun did we have! We just laughed and shopped for a long time and I of course bought more things! But then we came back to the hotel via bike taxi and he charged us more for all of our stuff! It still only cost us like $4 dollars so we really can't go to wrong...
Posted by safarinanny at 8:44 PM 0 comments
So today was the first full day back at Yak and Yeti! We just had one of our normal day's had breakfast (but we were not the first one's there YEY!) played in the room and outside (we kind of just go in and out all day LOL) we watched a little more TV then normal some of us (meaning the boy) were a little off and just needed some down time I think.
Posted by safarinanny at 6:28 AM 0 comments
So I was told where we were when I saw the sunrise and went para gliding! So we hiked the Sarangkot and was looking at Himalaya Mountain Range which includes Mount Everest! Pretty cool stuff huh?!
Posted by safarinanny at 4:10 AM 0 comments
That is what J'lien told me when I took this job and let me tell you it is soooooooooo true. Today I got up at 5 am to take a sunrise hike (yes this is me we are talking about and I am not sick) and oh my it was so pretty. We hiked a long steep way up the mountains and saw the moon (which was full) on one side and the sunrise on the other side over other mountains. The colors were sooo pretty. It was worth the hike and the early hour!
Posted by safarinanny at 11:25 PM 0 comments
Oh boy today was simply AMAZING for so many reason like there was not a moment today that I didn't enjoy!
Posted by safarinanny at 6:03 AM 0 comments
What are you eating? Is the food pretty "American" or are you trying new things? What is the oddest thing you have eaten? Do they have baked goods? I am eating a lot of different things, today so far I have had french toast (with no syrup they don't have it at many places) and chicken sausage, and then some form of fish but it looked like orange chicken and rice and bread, some fruit. I try to eat new things but I also don't always ask what I am eating because I am better off eating something that I don't know! Yak cheese which is really good is pretty odd but I am not sure because I don't ask! Some food is really "American" and others not so much a lot of it is pretty spicy. They have baked goods and really good dessert Ethan's and my favorite is white chocolate moose!
Posted by safarinanny at 12:42 AM 0 comments
Today was a busy day! We had to be up, dressed, breakfast (which is always done), and packed by 8:30 so we could go to the eye hospital, Ethan and I played outside and in the bus (next week I will get to go see inside it!) then we hit the road for a very looooong drive up the mountains and boy was it an experience in and of its self!
Posted by safarinanny at 8:06 PM 1 comments
Here are more questions about Nepal and my adventure we call life!
Posted by safarinanny at 7:54 PM 0 comments
Posted by safarinanny at 6:24 AM 0 comments
I love being on this new adventure in my life don't get me wrong but I am starting to miss things back home so here is the list of the things I am excited about seeing, doing, or getting when we get back in a little more then 2 weeks...
Posted by safarinanny at 2:52 AM 0 comments
So today was a really quiet day... We didn't even leave the hotel (which was kind of nice to not really have to do anything!) We just played toys, built forts, played outside, watched movies, had torture times, read books, walked around the hotel, and had a really nice day!
The people who work in the restaurant are starting to know us and think that I am Ethan's mom (and that J'lien is his grandma...but that is another story) and they notice how we come to breakfast and lunch everyday and how we don't leave the hotel that much! Haha is it bad when people notice that?
The room services people also see me in my pj's every night (twice a night actually) with out fail and you know what I am totally okay with them seeing me in my pink plaid pants and dog pound shirt!
Today is our last day at this hotel for 2 days so I will be busy getting everything ready to go! Wish me luck!
Posted by safarinanny at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Posted by safarinanny at 8:32 PM 0 comments
So today was a really lazy day! We played outside most of the morning then spent the afternoon in the room watching movies, reading, and playing! Ethan's favorite game to play right now is hide and seek (but its really watch were you hide and then yell boo at the person) and he really likes making movies that I am not allowed to watch because they are "too scary" for me!
Posted by safarinanny at 6:57 AM 0 comments
Posted by safarinanny at 1:45 AM 1 comments
So today was basically the start of J'lien's working so it was an Ethan Sam day!
Posted by safarinanny at 5:16 AM 0 comments
Today we just left Tiger Mountain after a jeep safari (we saw nothing tho) and then flew back to our hotel! Kind of a boring day but I am not complaining!
Posted by safarinanny at 7:20 AM 0 comments
Lets start at the at the very beginning its a very good place to start! This morning we went on a elephant ride where we looked for a tiger but we only saw a rhino, deers, and monkeys. Then we had breakfast and went on a boat ride and saw corcs with the most amazing noses ever, more rhinos, and deer (there are over 400 rhino at Tiger Mountain Park) then we played outside, had lunch, saw the elephants played more gave the elephants a bath yes I got in the river and gave then a bath they are so cute and have very fuzzy hair it is so fun to play with and one of them has Spencer eye lashes! Who would have thought! But these big creatures are so nice and sweet and are very good listeners! Then we went on our 3rd safari of the day and this time it was a jeep one and we saw more rhino, deer, crocs, and monkeys, we also saw some cool birds wild pigs and drum roll (Jackson is going to be so jealous) any guesses? Thats right we saw a TIGER! But not just one tiger but THREE TIGERS! A mom and 2 one year old cubs and oh my gosh they are so cute and big an pretty! I was just amazed and let me tell you this beats college! But also this place is so pretty it is green and smells good and has a river and sand. Meredith would be so jealous because it is just perfect. Today was so amazing I saw all those creatures and OBAMA won! And we are coming back in just a couple weeks! But if you ever go to Nepal go to Tiger Mountain its so worth it and they are so nice and helpful, I love the service. (But I do really miss my skim milk)
Posted by safarinanny at 7:00 AM 0 comments
This morning we got up had an Amazing pancakes, played in the room and outside and then I got to spend some time on the computer all by myself for awhile which was really nice! and I got to talk to Megan which made my day! Then we got all ready and headed to the airport which is so different then any airport we are use to. We got in a little bus and drove to our plane which my bedroom is bigger then... and I have never felt sick on a plane but this one I did. But at points we were flying in the clouds which was sooooo cool. And we then landed in a grass field which was the airport. And we then ate a really good lunch in a little hut with no walls. Then we took a bus, boat, and jeep to the "resort" and we stayed in a tarzan type house! so far in the little time we have been here we have feed elephants, watched them have a bath. gone on a tiger safari, seen lots of rhinos! What an amazing day and its only the really day two of the month...
Posted by safarinanny at 6:46 AM 0 comments
Well I made it to Nepal! In the process of doing so i skipped a whole day (Sunday November 2, 2008 I sure hope it was a good day for everyone!) I was on 3 airplanes Arizona to LA, LA to Bangkok, Bangkok to Nepal. And we finally made it to the hotel! Which I'm laying in my bed right now because boy does my back hurt... But in our 4 hour layover in Bangkok I got a massage and oh boy it was AMAZING! But I'm still very sore I think it has to do with a very looooong time on an airplane and trying to sleep for some if it and carrying lots of bags long distances. When we made it to Nepal finally it was so fun getting of the airplane because you just walk down the stairs outside right next to the plane (reminds me of the only time I flew to G-Grammys) then we walked into a really hot building and I got my picture taken for my Nepal Visa and once that was done and we found our bags and got money we got in the van and headed to the hotel! The drive was an experience in and of its self... cows on the road, children walking down the street begging on windows, lots of horns going off, crazy drivers, small roads, people making up lanes its fun and sicking at the same time. Nepal is the 3rd or 4th worst developed countries in Asia and you can tell. But it is so cool to see all the fun shops and see what people are selling. The hotel we are staying at is very nice and so are the people but the grounds are just amazing and so is the outside of the hotel. I can't wait to go and explore all around and take pictures because it is just so pretty.
Posted by safarinanny at 6:26 AM 3 comments
These pictures just make me want to smile more then you could ever believe they turned out so well! I just LOVE them!
Happy Thoughts!
Posted by safarinanny at 12:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: smiles
Here would be San Diego sitting on the beach with a book or just my towel! With the sun shining on me, hot guys walking by, and the beautiful water! I think the people in Minnesota want this more then me since its cold there and I'm still wearing tank tops but I just want to be at the ocean with friends!
Sam Adolph got me roped into this wall project as we called it for the last tri of our senior year! As much work as it was and for as long as it took it was so fun and we had fun just sitting down there everyday at least once if not more times! but I think it turned out really good and its never coming down!!!!!!!!
Posted by safarinanny at 11:54 AM 0 comments
Here are 2 pictures one from a like 4 years ago and one from this summer! Not everyone is in the 2 picture I will have to find one of all 13 of us but look how little we all are with our favorite cousins THE GARBERS! It is nice to be next door to them now and now we get more then lunch every now and then!Me, Zack, Hannah, Paige, Josh, Tayler, Theordore, Joey, Gabby, Jackson, Alexander
Paige, Me, Theordore, Tayler, Joey, Jackson
Posted by safarinanny at 11:46 AM 0 comments
Every Tuesday night Baskin-Robbins has $1 scoops...how do you turn that down??? Jack and I have gone every week...it will be amazing if I fit into my clothes soon:) But this week I had Ethan so he and I went and got ice cream!
Posted by safarinanny at 10:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: baskin robbins, ethan, ice cream, nanny
He did the hat and sun glasses all by himself! Can he get much cutter??? He is also just full of hugs and kisses these days today he cried when I left and gave me lots of hugs and blew me kisses it makes my heart melt :( He is just to cute for words :)
Posted by safarinanny at 12:05 AM 0 comments
Labels: spencer
The whole way to LA back in July and the whole time there and the whole time home every time i saw that sign i yelled CALL BOX! It started out just for fun but turned into a game that bugged everyone (which i did feel bad about) but then it also turned into who could get it first (i basically won the game!) So thats my story about call boxes!
Posted by safarinanny at 2:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: arizona, call boxes, cars, La 08
These are two of my second cousins that I wait all year to see and it is never long enough! Today was a really sad day because they had to go home and I still have a couple days here. I can say that it is really weird to be here and not be able to see them and not stay up till 2 am talking to Cha Cha!
Me, Tayler, Paige
More cabin pictures to come and there are lots to go through...over 3 thousand so far...:)
Posted by safarinanny at 7:38 PM 0 comments
We are back at the cabin with the whole family...all 17 of us in one place then my second cousins next door! So it has been lots of crazy fun I will put tons of pictures up when I get home!
Posted by safarinanny at 6:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: cabin family summer
So because I need another website to be addicted to and one more thing to try and do I joined scrapblog.com which you can make scrapbook pages and put them up for people to see so here are some of my favorite pictures from DISNEYLAND and I'm sure more will be coming soon!
Posted by safarinanny at 9:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: disneyland, pictures
Ill put more pictures up and explain more when I have gotten some sleep but here are a few pics from the week! Which was the most amazing life changing week of my life! There are no words that could actually explain it! But Ill explain more later on!
Posted by safarinanny at 8:51 PM 0 comments