Here is my week with Spencer George! The pictures actually go Friday to Wednesday not the other way around and if I was not so tired I would fix it but I am not so you will live! I also went to UPS 2 times and they know me in there! I went to visit all my aunties on Tuesday and got lots of attention and kisses! And today when I went to Ethan's school and he told everyone I was HIS baby or little brother it was very cute and everyone was confused but thought I was really cute! So all in all it was a very good but busy week!

Walking back to the house it was lots of fun!

I just LOVE my ball and playing basketball!

Getting ready to shoot (I think he thinks he is much taller then he actually is!)

I carried my ball all the way there!

And at 7:30 on Friday morning I wanted to play basketball well sissy was mean and didn't take me out till after 11 But then I was a happy Guy!

I really liked putting the lid on it!

I played with lots of bubbles!

I don't know why this wont turn I am sorry :( But Meredith came over and made cookies with sissy which made sissy really happy!

I played under the Tramp it scared sissy but I really liked it!

I snuggled with sissy a lot I got really good at putting my head down and sometimes I even rub her back (sissy is in heaven!)

I then got to sit at the counter while the BIG 4 year olds got to make cookies. I learned I don't really like sugar cookies with or without frosting but give me the sprinkles and I am all over it!

I helped sissy make cookie dough (by taking a good morning nap was how I helped!)
We are really excited for mommy to come home tho! Every morning he goes and kisses her picture and then kisses her on the computer when we talk to her! So mommy come home now sissy is ready for a loooooong nap!