I had a to make a list of 21 people in my life and write something about them but not put their names so here it is...
1.I’m glad we grew apart because i’m better off without you. you need to learn to be nicer and actually stand behind people not just use them. you taught me a lot on what not to be in a friend
2.your always there to listen when i need to talk, we will be friends forever i promise
3.I feel like you just used me...but that is kind of who you are and what you do
4.Im so glad we are friends i wish you would think more about yourself and do things that will better yourself but its your life
5.you are one of my best friends and through everything and all of life i know we will still be friends. you are an amazing person and you make me better so thank you
6.i always use to think we would be friends forever but these days im starting to wonder if that is true. i love you like a sister and ill always be here for you. i miss you
7.god i have know you since forever in my book. you are my big sister that i never had. i love you so much and i dont know what i would do without you. i cant wait till i get to see you more
8.you are one amazing person but sometimes i feel like you only feel good about yourself when you are with certain people and you need to believe in yourself and learn to do what is best for you
9.im a big girl now
10.i love that i we can not talk for months and just pick up right where we left off its an amazing friendship
11.you are a great person who can do anything you set your mind to just believe you can and have fun along the way. you will do great things in life
12.trust yourself and learn to say no and do what is best for you and you will go so far. just be you because i believe in you and know you can do wonderful things in life
13.i have known you my whole life and yet i still dont get you. we are a lot a like and sometimes i like that and sometimes not so much but you will always be one of my favorite people and i will always love you
14.you are the craziest person i know who i love like no other you have so much spunk and that is going to take you so far.
15.your not only family your a friend and that is what i love about you. i know whenever i need you you will be there for me and same goes to you
16.i dont know what i would have done the last year without you and i dont know how i went the last 18 without you. im always here for you when ever you need im only a phone call away.
17.im glad i met you and im glad we became friends but i think im better off going through life without you but you will always be in the back of my mind
18.you are one of the funniest people i know and where ever you go what ever you do you will be great at it.
19.they say that best friends fight and if you don’t fight your not best friends. we are clearly best friends and i believe but i also really hope that through everything we can stay friends because i love you so much and i need you in my life.
20..i would not have made it without you in my life i love you so much and next year will be hard but we will make it through
21.you have been through more then anyone should ever have to go through and im so proud of you and you have come out way on top just keep your head up and believe everything will work out. you will do great things in life with an angel on your shoulder smiling the whole time. and know when ever you need me im here! your my sister from another mother!
try and guess which one is you!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
21 People who will not be named
Posted by safarinanny at 5:35 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
The Best Part of Summer
If I could spend everyday all summer in a chair like that one I would, or on a towel on the beach that works too. Just laying out with some friends talking, sleeping, drinking smoothies are really what makes the summer the best part. I don't even have to get into the pool! I just thought i would share my favorite part of summer! We also no longer call it tanning its "warming our souls" because when you live in Minnesota there is only so much time you can spend outside my the pool/beach so you have to take advantage of it and get all warm for the next winter! Except if your me and you are smart and you go somewhere warm for winter!!!
Posted by safarinanny at 8:52 AM 0 comments
Labels: pool, summer, warming my soul
Sunday, June 22, 2008
S'more fun
It's so nice when we can have a fire at night and the fire means smore's! It was really nice out till it started to rain... But over all it was really fun and a good smore is always good! Especially the first one of the year!
Posted by safarinanny at 7:33 PM 0 comments
Digging to China
The kids had more fun digging a huge hole this weekend. They started Saturday morning and went in till they had to fill it today. This always seems to be a big thing lets see how much we can dig. This time might have been the biggest and deepest they hit water then made a tunnel to get water from the lake to the hole. The best part is it kept them busy for a long time. Lets see how big the one in August gets...
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Way to cold...
The kids were on the beach before 9am digging a hole this seems to be one of their favorite things to do and every summer we have at least one hole...but this one i think might be the deepest they hit water. And speaking of water it is so cold yet at 9:20 they were all in the lake and having way to much cold fun. But it kept them out there and not near us on the lake so it was all good!
Friday, June 20, 2008
I'm his best girl in town!
Theodore and i had some fun tonight playing with the webcam and taking fun pictures! He calls me either "real Sam" or his best girl in town ! He is such a sweetheart and my "best guy"

Posted by safarinanny at 7:48 PM 0 comments
The Ride to the Cabin
We made it to the Cabin! Its weird to be up here in June but Katherine, Joey, Jack, Alexander, Hannah, and Theo and I hit the road at 8:45 am only 15 mins behind :) yey us!!! The car rife went well only 5 stops :) but we made it here before 12 with the stops and construction!
Posted by safarinanny at 5:19 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Science Museum/ Star Wars
Me, the girls in the movies, my aunt Katherine
Posted by safarinanny at 5:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: jack, martins, science museum, star wars
Warming our souls
We finally had a nice day here nice enough to go outside and sit at the pool, and do a little warming of our souls. Because when you live in the great state of Minnesota you only have so many days that you get to sit out and tan or better called warming of the soul! Well i became a lobster to say the least but i became red one day so im set for the summer i will now become nice and tan for hopefully a long time since im now done with winter for at least a year!!!! But here are some fun pictures that Megan and i took when we came inside. (Just remember we had just been sitting at the pool so dont judge how we look and we are using the fun settings on the webcam that makes you look weird)!!! ENJOY!
Posted by safarinanny at 5:12 PM 0 comments
Quote Time...
Every night or almost every night for over a year now i send out two texts one that say quote time... and then one that has a quote in it. It started with one person and now its up to 12 people. It started as friendship quotes but there are only so many and when i have now sent out over 365 (some nights there were more then one too) i started to run out. So now its any good quote that i like. I have become such a quote freak that anytime i find one i put it in my phone and sometimes i have close to 50 quotes just waiting to be sent out. I think i do this more for me then for anyone else because i love them and it is a really good way to end the day especially when its been a hard day. But if you ever have a good quote please share it with me and if you ever need one i have a zillion to chose from! The person or reason why i started quote time...this is my amazing lion aka megan!
Posted by safarinanny at 4:56 PM 1 comments
Labels: lion, megan, quote time
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Just some fun pictures I took with my new camera walking around Como! These are more for me then anyone else!
Posted by safarinanny at 1:56 PM 0 comments
I got a mac for my graduation and its so fun learning all the fun things it has that a pc just doesn't. Just last night Joey and i took a trip to Paris and i already have the pictures loaded! The camera on this thing takes great pictures its amazing i just love it!
Posted by safarinanny at 1:55 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Summer Time
For the month of June im spending a couple days a week with my cousins. Last week we spent a raining day at the Minnesota Zoo and it was really fun. Not only did we see the dolphin show (which is better when your younger) But we also went to the farm they have which was really fun. They have lots of baby animals and you can pet them and see them milk a cow! It was a really fun day! I sure slept well that night!
Posted by safarinanny at 7:23 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Wellcome to the blog about my next year of life as a travel nanny! I will be traveling most of the year in Asia and Africa! And when im not there i will be in Arizona! So here is a little background about me!
Im the oldest of 4 kids, i have 3 younger brothers ages 17-1 (i know big age gap) and im almost 19! I just graduated high school :)
I loved high school i was the stage manager of many plays and i took my job very serious some would even call me a little crazy but oh well im over it! I also had some amazing friends that i met before starting or during the last 4 years of my life!
I love to cook it is probably one of my biggest passions and after next year and all my adventures i plan on going to culinary school to one day open a bakery or something with food!
So this is a little bit about me, more to come this summer but the real fun starts next fall when the next chapter of my life starts and for the first time im not a student and ill be working and traveling the world!
Posted by safarinanny at 6:04 PM 3 comments